úterý 25. března 2008
Národní hymna - national anthem
29. 3. proběhne nahrávání Ódy na radost v českém a anglickém znění.
On 25th of March 2008 recorded class VIII. B our national anthem.
pondělí 10. března 2008
Harmonogram projektu (Plan of project)
„Let´s sing the song of joy together“ – PROJECT WORKS
Our concept:
· each classroom (5th - 9th grade; children 11 - 15 years old) will prepare a presentation of one EU country, they will introduce the specific EU countries to the students of 1st - 4th grade; 6 - 10 years old
· the students of 1st to 4th grades will visit each of the presented countries and subserve the given assigment
· during the week 12. – 16. 5. even the education in other subjects will cooperate with this project of introducing EU countries (Maybe the menu in the school cafeteria included)
From | To | What | Who |
1. 03. 08 | 31. 03. 08 | introduction presentations | pupils of IX. C |
3. 03. 08 | 9. 03. 08 | establish web blog | pupils of 9. classrooms |
10. 03. 08 | 9. 04. 08 | let’s sing and record our national anthem | pupils of VIII. B |
07. 03. 08 | - | let´s ballot one of the states EU | each classrooms (from 5th to 9th grade) |
07. 03. 08 | 16. 05. 08 | let’s preapare presentations one of the stetas EU | each classrooms teacher (from 5th to 9th grade) |
10. 03. 08 | 22. 06. 08 | let’s post messages on web blog | each classes – from 5th to 9th grade |
10. 04. 08 | 9. 05. 08 | let’s sing and record “the Ode to Joy” in native language | pupils of VIII. B |
10. 05. 08 | 9. 06. 08 | let’s sing and record “the Ode to Joy” in English | pupils of VIII. B |
7. 03. 08 | 15. 05. 08 | let´s write about your preaparing presentation choice country (in English) | each classrooms – from 5th to 9th grade |
12. 05. 08 | 15. 05. 08 | even the education in other subjects will cooperate with this project of introducing EU countries | each clasrooms |
16. 05. 08 | - | let’s organize the Day of Europe | each classrooms - from 5th to 9th classrooms – and its classrooms teachers – for children from 0th to 4th grade |
16. 05. 08 | 23. 05. 08 | let´s write about running presentation choice country (in English) | each classrooms - from 5th to 9th grade |
Úkolem každé třídy je do 15. 4. 2008 vymyslet úkol, který v "jejich zemi" budou návštěvníci plnit.
Vylosované státy naleznete níže. Patronem každé třídy je její třídní učitel.
We have started with the project "Let´s sing for joy together" on Friday 07. 03. 2008.
Each class selected one of the states from EU. They are going all together the presentations for their younger schoolmates.
They are going to write about preparations.
There is a list of selected states and classrooms.
5. A - Bulharsko (Bulgaria), Rumunsko (Romania)
5. B - Polsko (Poland)
5. C - Velká Británie (Great Britain), Irsko (Ireland)
6. A - Maďarsko (Hungary)
6. B - Rakousko (Austria)
6. C - Řecko (Greece)
7. A - Německo (Germany)
7. B - Dánsko (Denmark)
7. C - Francie (France)
8. A - Slovinsko (Slovenia)
8. B - Nizozemí (Netherlands) , Belgie (Belgium), Lucembursko (Luxembourg)
8. C - Litva (Lithuania), Lotyšsko (Latvia), Estonsko (Estonia)
9. A - Španělsko (Spain), Portugalsko (Portugal)
9. B - Itálie (Italy), Malta (Malta)
9. C - Slovensko (Slovak Republic)
9. D - Švédsko (Sweden), Finsko (Finland)